Upgraded Server

Member since:
May 2010

Wooo hooo!
We have finally upgraded the long needed server to bring you latest photoshop tutorials, designing tips, free goodies and more! Thanks to the hardworking guys at Site5, Tutzor.com has been migrated to a new server without a glitch. Kudos for you guys!

With our new server, you can submit your very own tutorials! If you have what it takes, why not publish and share YOUR Own tutorials? What do you get out of it , you say? You can earn bragging rights about your mad skills, and respects. We strongly believe that paying it forward is always a great karma!

Since we are now running with a great server, you can also find one that would best suit your needs. There are a lot of dedicated server reviews out there. It would be best to read a couple before getting one.

Submitting tutorials is really easy! 3 easy steps!

  • 1. Login/Create account
  • 2. Click the Submit tutorials button on the right side of the site , or visit our submission guidlines
  • 3. And of course, Your creative tutorials!



Re: Upgraded Server

What happened to Nataly Alaeva's tutorials, namely the gold jewelry tutorial - among others? I liked that tutorial. I also noticed several other tutorials the old site had that are not on this new site. I just want to know what happened is all.